Damn, this last week has been crazy.....
- Do go to Redlands and stay up for 3 days
- Do gamble and make bank...
- Then lose it all playing pool
- Do dance for 5 hours straight...
- After pounding down half a bottle of vodka...
- And then hook up with your closest friends
- Do go to Vegas in the middle of the week...
- With the chillest people in the world...
- And your fake ID...
- And tell your parents your sleeping at your friends house for a few days
- Do have your friends take care of you...
- As your walking down the strip...
- Drunk...
- In 120 degrees weather...
- Without a care in the world
- Do come back and realize you have failed summer school...
- And do bribe your teacher with food...
- And do pass
Damn, I love summer