Jun 12, 2004 17:45
today's regents reveiw was fun. nicole lau and me waited for these guys to show up but since we didnt see them i figured would go in the classroom to c what i was missing and it wasnt much cuz i couldnt c crap from the back so i just got up and left and made sure i would make a nice exit and stepped over one of the cheerleaders in our school and she gave me a dirty look, without noticing that i find it funny when ppl do that. So from there I met up with them with nicole lau chris and 2 other dudes.
i took a walk with nicole and chris. she called the house and i was doing something at the moment and then rang the doorbell and i was rushing throughout the house. haha
later after chris went off to play baseball, i went back to nicole's house, had a water gun fight, went in the pool, and sat in the sun. got a tan :-].
ran back home to get a cd--shit i left the cd at nicole's house, i'll get it later. she might sleep over 2nite but her away message says "sleeping" so now im not sure. well anyway i ran to get the cd and it looks like my family has their summer project figured out.
yes. the pool is apparently "unstable" so they might fix it or take it down. ill get back to u on that.
came back from nicole's and i went home. my parents were overly happy and it was very scary. i dropped a jar of relish (it didnt break) and she just laughed and made a joke about it like: my dad wanted relish and i dropped it and she said "o0ops maybe not! *laughs*" i was like wtf. she was like "so how was your day?" im like "good, but your really creeping me out." but it all stopped and now they're acting normal. w/e.
well thats pretty much it. i'll talk to you all later. bye