we all know there's some weird shit out there. some stuff is stuff you can never ever un-see, like 2 girls 1 cup. then there's some stuff that simply makes you wonder who could possibly be masturbating to this, like cakefarts.com. but then sometimes you just get enough information to draw horrific conclusions on your own which is almost even more horrible than just seeing the horror outright.
case in point- i've got a flickr account, which as of late has been mostly used to upload pictures of my nephew so everyone will get off my ass and they can just so see pictures of the little booger without bothering me, which is the main problem of being designated family photographer. but i digress since that's not the disturbing part of the story. no, the disturbing part involves me uploading pictures i took of my nephew's baptism. pretty innocuous shit, i'd say. but i get this email informing me that someone has tagged 2 of my pictures as favorites- a picture of the priest who did the baptism and a picture of the table with the little jug of holy water and all the other doodads used in said baptism. and i start wondering who the hell would mark these 2 pictures as favorites. and then i look at the profile of the guy who chose the pictures and i get this:
OMFG. i've highlighted some of my favorite groups this guy belongs to that fit in the screen capture i got. sadly, the even weirder shit is further down the screen, such as baby blessings, several catholic themed groups, and a lot more shit involving nudity and a wide assortment of cocks. is this some sort of weirdo with a thing for naked men and the clergy? i don't know, but i've come to all kinds of interesting hypotheses in my head as to why he would pick the pictures he did. i should probably just keep the kid related picture sets on friends and family only because you never know who's looking at your stuff and why they're looking.