Apr 10, 2006 22:48
I have two funny stories to tell.
The first is about English. In English today we got these tests back about gerunds and I look at my grade, it was a D . I was like "what?! No way! How did that happen?" Then I started to look it over to see what I slaughtered. It looked sort of odd and the handwriting was really ugly, typical guy-like handwriting. I showed the people around me and they're all "that's not yours, but if I were you I'd keep it because it's a pretty good grade, we got D's an F's." I was like "But I don't get D's." So I told the teacher and she was like "Oh wow that isn't yours is that even your number?" (we put numbers on the test rather than names because we were grading each others tests.) She checked and she's like "well 712 is your number." Then I pointed out that I don't make my 7's in that manner (I cross them). Then she took the paper and just held on to it. Then this kid Grant is talking about how his test isn't in his handwriting, it was girly. I was like "OMIGOSHNESS! I got his test!" Well come to find out Grant's number was 721 and the teacher told me 721 rather than 712 and vice versa. So of course what grade it I really get? An A! But, can it be changed no! I was last nine weeks so she can't change it. Oh well it's rather amusing actually.
The second is about my lovely bus ride home. Well, I didn't get a ride home today; I had to ride the bus. Well the bus gets there and I get on talk to the bus driver about me riding it and he's the really nice driver so he let me. Well I'm like (to myself) "I don't know like anyone on here." I just asked Thomas, Katie's brother & David's friend, if I could sit with him. I was quite interesting. We talked about how much we hated when our parents don't work at the high school or middle school. I was amused. I told him about some of my bus riding adventures.. like the time I thought this middle school boy was a girl.. haha.
- Em