Aug 24, 2004 11:56
hmm ok so ill just start with friday cuz i dont feel like doin the whole week
friday- woke up took a shower went and got erica then me and erica juss chilled until our bball scrimage so we went to that and we didnt do to well but thats ok then i got yelled at like no other but thats ok also then we ewnt to the cornman with kate and ashley and wow that was a blast we played taboo right and me and ashley were on the same team and shes like cargirl and i yelled out BUSBOY then she said jail and i was like BAIT haha it was great then i left at tlike 10:30 i think came home and did nothing
saaturday- woke up cut the grass took a shower then went shopping! i got a purse, perfume and a shirt that says im rad ure read lets hug :) so then i came home did nothing then went to bball practice
sunday- woke up at 9 took a shower then went to babysit, stayed there for 2 hours becasue the lil one got sick so i got 10 whole so then i came home and helped clean and did nothing
monday- woke up and did nothing ...seems to be the story of my life lol....then went to practice and thats it
well nothing more to say! comment?