Sorry I haven't been on much the past few days! ♥ I've been cleaning up my apartment! I have no idea how it possibly became so filthy!! But fear not, good people of Brawl! It is neat and spotless now!! ♥
See?! ♥♥♥ I also redecorated a bit, seeing as how all the curtains were ripped down and drawers were broken. I really wonder how all that happened! ^__^
I've also discovered a love for cooking! *___* I made lots of pies today! Would anyone like some? I guarantee you'll love them! ♥♥♥!!
Oh dear. Why are all my icons on here so sad and depressing? :( This is the only happy one I can find! :( I guess I'll just have to use it as my default then!! ^__^ ♥~