Aug 19, 2005 00:22
Okay... so I've been here since Monday... things are going great so far... on my first day back I unpacked and talked to a few people... umm second day back... went and ventured out in the world... went up to Hollywood Video and rented a movie, went up to the tattoo shop and made a few friends-- Chris and Ty-- gave Chris my number and then he called me later that night and I went up to Skids( a pool hall that's practically in my backyard) and had a beer(yuck!) and played some pool with them... then Chris came over and we hung out for like ever... he's really cool... interesting-- his birthday is on Aug.5 that's 2days b4 mine... and he has a twin brother who is actually trans and up until his 18th birthday was referred to by his biological sex (so he's physically a she).. and he has an older sister who is gay... anyways... the fact of the matter is that he's so cool that we hung out the next night... however, that night I started to see another side of him... he seems to shut life out too much.. like he had therapy today (oh yeah he's 22)but like the way he talks about things and acts toward life seems so miguided and just unsufficent... I dunno he seems like he's lost his cause... hopefully he will find it when school starts back... I dunno I just wish the best for everyone... that's all... ummm so yeah... besides that I've been megabusy... unpacking and getting my computer fixed and running errands... and oh yeah... everyday that i've been her--so far-- I've had sushi for at least one meal of the day... cool, huh? I love me some sushi... haha well anyways... things are okee dokee... i should be going to see Eddie sometime soon... depends on when I make it over to O-town... but ummm soooo I MISS YOU GUYS... gimme a holla when ya can!!! KISSES!