Jul 29, 2005 14:30
hay-hay is hereee =)
sunday was fun. we all went to johns. jen & becky came! matt, justin, bryan, ryan,& bp were there to. we all slept over to :D good times.
so we have been hanging out alot. hungout with willie the other night. stayed out til about 3:00. i was tireddd :P.
erin got her job at headlines so shes quitting polo. :) good job erin.
i havent talked to rach & cast in forever. i kept calling them & they never called back, so i figured if they wanted to hangout they would call me. but, yeah =\
steven called me again the other day, but i didnt pick up, & he kept calling intil i did. ahhh.
haley is leaving sunday. we wanted to go bowling, but that didnt work out.
erin got pulled over the other night...& the cop was a hugeeee dick.
im going to the beach the 6th :D very funnnnn.
valerie hasnt called. dick-whipped. wahhh.
<333 n0ra.