represent the LBC *

Jun 21, 2005 22:40

my summer has been a m a z i n g so far!

> brooke, amelia & i have been hanging out a lot with jp, mike & robbie. jp is robbies older brother & hes amelias best hott friend :D & mike is jps roomate - hes 26 & jp is 20. but we go there to drink & chill. its really fun & layed back. so we went there a couple nights ago after i visited nancy in the hospital & the girls went swimming, & then spent the night at amelias.

* amelias mom was working late the other night & her dad wasnt there so we drank & had robbie over. it was fun :D we took brooke home at 1;00 tho, & i had a doctors appt the next day.

then we went back yesterday night, & hungout with jp. before hand we went to starbucks & the mall. we had some weird, crazy random fun, lol =P. then we went to mcdonalds & met up with mike & talked to him for a bit. downtowne frederick was funnn to - right brooke ;)
since amelia is leaving we had to go & help her pack her stuff for cali & since shes moving to a new house in mtown when she comes back we were packing everything up. it was crazy.

anywayyyyss, erin & i went to the mall the other day & taco bell, & yeah.
we saw wallace & bobby the other night to. erin woke me up at like 1;00, but it was all good. its always good to hear from my shipley <3

ocean city with val the 1st-4th, JESS* the 6th-12th ;) i cant wait.

* ashley left me the funniest message-i love you baby!

Name? nora elizabeth hartten
Age? seventeen
Height? five two & a 1/2
Hair Colour? strawberry red :)
Eye Colour? greenish, blue? i dont know.

What's your school mascot? KNiGHTS!
School colour(s)? orange & black
GPA? high school: i got straight A's last semesterrrr
Who is your favourite teacher? jeffery hodos, stephanie ware, mary jacques =) & of course, rena egannn
What do they teach? science, english, math & then my guidance.
Is this your favourite class? hmm =p no, but i loved my teachers.

Do you use any instant messengers? yes baby.
If so, which ones? aimmmm
About how many hours a day do you spend online? not much anymore at all.
Do you have a digital camera? nope =\
If so, do you post pictures of yourself online? i have pics, from my girlssss <3

Do you play any instruments? pssh.
If so, what one(s)? none.
3 favourite genres of music? alternative,countryyyy =) thats itttt
3 favourite bands? soco, TBS, dave matthews
Do you go to concerts &/or shows? i have, yes
What's the most you've ever spent on a concert/show? 200 - britney spears when i was 13 with rachel vidger & danielle brahman - it was my dads money, but yano ;)
What's the least you've ever spent? 2 bucks, at MFU ;)
Do you think buying merch at a concert & wearing it there is corny? nopeee. represent.
Do you listen to any bands you'd be ashamed to admit to? hell no.

Blue - balls.
Camera - pictures.
Boy - sexy
Pretty - skinny
Pants - jeans
Music - <33
God - jesussss is just alright with me ;) - even tho that should be GOD is just alright.
Sweater - jen crisp.
LiveJournal - moongodess
MTV - gay.

Do you think labels are dumb? i mean, i wear what i want, dont hate :P
Why or why not? ......
What do people label you as? prep.
How/why did you get this label? i wear abercrombie, AE, hollister, ann taylor - that kinda stuff, & my school is gay. FUCK middletownnnn.

Physical pain/emotional pain? emotional.
Blink 182/Good Charlotte? blink baby.
Being deaf/being blind? blind.
Being bored/rushing around because you have too much to do? bored.
Losing your dominant leg/losing your dominant arm? shit.

Do you believe there's a difference between 'love' & 'in love'? yes, i love all my friends, but i`m not iN love with them.
Is it better to have loved & lost than never to have loved at all? YES.
Are you romantic? i would like to think so.
Are you in a relationship now? no.
If so, for how long? it was a year & 6 months
What song describes your love life right now? hmmm =p i don`t know.

What do you think of designer labels? amazing.
Who's skankier, Britney Spears or Paris Hilton? well britney spears is preg & fat now, so she cant really tramp around in hoe-bag style clothes, so i guess i would say paris. i mean shes 11 footed & made a sex tape with shannon doherty's old man, but when your in hollywood its all about the moneey.
What is it with guys & cars? they want to look hot...but really, if your busted in the face, no car will change that.
Do you sing? ohh yes.
If so, what part (soprano 1, alto 2, etc)? like shit.
Kiss or hug? kiss.
What colour is your room? bright blue & lime green. its a tropical theme. holler.
How old is your mom? fourty three
Black & white or colour photos? color.
Who cuts your hair? new york new yorkkkk!
What colour is your toothbrush? purple :)
What colour is your hair brush? bluee.
What kind of hair products do you use? the usual, & seruim cause my hair says no to frizzesss.
Is K-Mart just the poor man's Wal-Mart? umm. i dont shop there.
Are you sexy? lord.
What colour do people tell you looks nice on you? green, yellow, blue.
What colour do you think looks nice on you? nothing looks good on me.
Clothes shopping or grocery shopping? only a fatass would say grocery shopping. & seriously, why would anyone say YES to grocery shopping.
Who do you sit with at lunch? well since we are out of school, NO ONE.
Do you like the sound of your own voice when you hear it played back? i sound like a man.
Who has the nicest speaking voice that you know? jess*, because its so cute & accenty.
What is the website for one of your favourite bands?
Do you prefer to date people younger, older, or the same age as you? older ;) but if you like someone, it doesnt matter. age ain`t nothing but a # boo.
Do you listen to songs on repeat often? yuup.
Who was the last person you hung out with? valerie anne. but before that, robby, brookie, amelia & jppp & yeahh.
What did you & that person do? haha made waffles. ^ with brooke & everyone, got drunk.
Do you use Internet shorthand (i.e. "lol", "brb", "jk", etc)? i mean OMG.
Are you a people-pleaser? i am when i`m in the mood.
Do you dye your hair regularly? nope.
What about your eyebrows? noooo.
Do you wear make-up? yes i doo.
If you answered yes above, are you female? yes.
Do you buy CDs edited or unedited? unedited.

[.It's all about me.]
~Hi, my name is...

01. Name: nor
02. Age: 17
03. Birthday: may 25h
04. Chinese Zodiac: dragon. sick.
05. Astrological Zodiac: gemini.
06. Home Town: myersville.
07. Eye Color: blue green whateverrr.
08. Hair Color: redddd.
09. Height: short.
10. Weight: 95

[.In today's world.]
~Today feels so...

11. Current Location: at my computerrrr
12. Current Mood: im talking to my brother so im happppy.
13. Current Annoyance: men.
14. Current Hatred: jigga what.
15. Current Love: crest whitestrips.
16. Current Weather: ummm.
17. Current Time: 9;40 pm
18. Current Date: wednesday the 22nd
19. Current Clothing: big tee shirt & NOTHING. no bra, no pantiess, lol.
20. Current Need: love. :[

[.That was so yesterday.]
~de ja vu?

21. Last person you saw: my dad.
22. Last person you were pissed at: yesh.
23. Last thing you touched: keys.
24. Last thing you ate: lucky charms.
25. Last person you talked to on the phone: val.
26. Last person you instant messaged: nattayyy
27. Last thing you purchased: venti mint mohca frap
28. Last book you read: fishbowl - i always read it.
29. Last game you played: nothing.
30. Last person you missed: jess*

[.The future is too close.]
~It's so bright...

31. Where will you be living?: i dont know yet.
32. With who?(if anyone): i want to stay close to valerie. shes my best friend ever.
33. What will be your profession?: therapist.
34. Married? i would like to be.
35. Your future car: :P i dont know.
36. Your dream house: a veryyy big house. like the one in the notebook.
37. Kids?: maybe.
38. Pets?: yes

[.Playing favorites.]
~I simply love those...

39. Favorite Color: purple.
40. Favorite Animal: peguin
41. Favorite Artist/Band: soco
42. Favorite kind of music: alternative
43. Favorite month: june/july
44. Favorite weather: HOTT
45. Favorite sport: drinking. lol :P kiddding.
46. Favorite food: i dont know.
47. Favorite stores: abercrombie, ann taylor loft, hollister, polo, j-crew, victoria secert.
48. Favorite article of clothing: skirt.
49. Favorite song: this years love
50. Favorite place to be: with my girls.

[.What love life?.]
~Love is a battlefield...

A)- Currently
51. Single, taken, married?: single.
52. Are you in love?: no i am not.
53. If so, with who?: rawwwwwwr
54. Do they love you back?: he still does.
55. How long have you been with them?: it was a year & a half.
B)- Perfect in Everyway [describe your ideal lover]
56. Eye color?: blue.
57. Hair color?: brown.
58. Personality?: understanding caring & sweet, a good listner, makes me laugh, i can be myself around.
59. Appearence?: i am attracted to lots of people, but i like tan skin, brown hair, blue eyes, its hard to say. because than again we have ben mackenzie on the OC who is so not this & i would f him like whoa.
60. Other: [fill in whatever other stuff here.] nice hands.

[.The bad things.]
~The bad side of me...

61. My last argument was about...: steven, us breaking up. & how i needed to be on my own.
62. I'm guilty of...: :P
63. I use profanity when...: all the time bitches. woorah.
64. I'm still mad at...: my mother.
65. My worst trait is...: i let people in very easy.
66. I lied to...: i have lied to everyone. who hasnt?
67. I still haven't...: gotten to be the person i know i am.
68. I hate...: everything.
69. I want to harm...: myselffff, lol.
70. I failed at...: i`ve just failed myself. & my family.

[.The good things.]
~Feel good about yourself...

71. My best trait is...: i`m a good listner, & i give good advice.
72. People like me because...: i actually do care.
73. I like to...: just have a good time.
74. I'm happiest when...: i feel skinny. i look skinny.
75. I want to...: always be skinny.
76. I succeed at...: lots of bad things.
77. The last time I helped someone was...: actually someone helped me today.
78. I wish for...: acceptance in myself & my family.
79. I laugh when...: my friends make me laugh :)
80. Today, I will...: today is over.

[.Word Association.]
~What word comes to mind when I say...

81. Banana: gwen
82. Angelic: dancer
83. Happy: sad
84. Emo: chittack
85. Blanket: gege
86. Blue: balls
87. Deity: huhhhhhhhhhhh
89. War: GEORGE FUCKING BUSH, you sonofabitch!
90. Melon: water
91. Hate: you
92. Run: calories
93. December: xmas
94. Best Friend: love
95. Worst Enemy: myself
96. Toothpaste: teeth
97. Television: dfh jsdfh jf
98. Competition: hard
99. Love: good when it comes
100. Serendipity: dfd dsf

~That was lame...

101. What time is it?: 9;54
102. Was this survey lame?: hmmm
103. Where did you find this survey?: BROOKE
104. Will you force other people to take this?: no.
105. How do you feel after filling out 105 survey questions? gay.
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