so deep, that it didn`t even bleed & catch me <3 of guard.

Apr 10, 2005 20:47

i`m sick again =\
i`ve been getting sick alottt lately. i don`t know what it is, but i don`t give a fuck. i`ve just been throwing up alot, oh well, losing weight, ;)
anyway`s, this weekend was very uneventful because i am sick. expect saturday which was fun, but i was growing sickkkker every hour.
val, me, matt, steven, josh, jordan (there new basset), nathan, & alex went to the grange to listen to some band`s play. well josh wanted to go to boston market first & get chicken pot pie. =\ ack. i didn`t eat anything, so i drank water the whole damn day, because yeahhh. plus my stomach has been in knot`s in forrever.
we had a goood time driving down, everyone was smoking, but the smoke smell was killing my stomach so bad =( i swear to god i almost passed out, if josh wasn`t making his lame-ass joke`s i wouldnt have made it.
something pure was there <3 they weren`t playing, just hanging out & listening.
i saw chris carey K ;) & he said ashley was coming, so i got realllly excited, & yeah :) i was happy to see everyone, but that bitch michelle.
although everyone was burning her SCENCE QUEEN article so it was straight.
we to denny`s afterward`s. i paided for that free-loader josh & jordan, lol ;) so the night was good.
came home, got reallllly sick =\ fell asleep & yeah.
watch OC alllll day. holla. ♥

so i talked to allyson today. when the hell did she turn into an assface? jesus christ. i iMED her to effin` talk, cause we haven`t for a while & she start`s bitching about me weight. i told her about my physical & she say`s this -

babee: so i take a physical exam =\
heart x: no, u look emaciated
ska sweetheart x: yer my height and weigh 97 pounds
ska sweetheart x: thats sickening
ra babee: um why? its alot better then when i weighed 120. i have been this weight before & you know that. after i got out last time, i gained weight to get out. i want to lose it again. i look better now.
art x: yeah well i think that people need to stop trying to satisfy you and finally shove u in a hospital again cuz youre out of your mind
heart x: i cant even talk to sry. i just cant believe that everyone just lets you sit there and fuck yourself up.
bee: fine, dont talk to me. you are so mean allyson. you are just like my mom. you drop people out of your fucking lives, its so fucking rude. you have just shut me out & gave up on me, which means you are not a true friend, & fuck you for saying i should be in a hospital, i am working on my PROBLEMS okay? you dont know anything anymore - you dont know who i work with & whats going on with me. & everytime i try & talk about it you get bitchy and rude.
rt x: no nora i shut you out because i cant deal with it. it wasnt healthy for me. when u started eating problems thats when i started too, cuz i looked up to you. youre also not the only one with problems in the whole world yet act like it revolves around you. you said you were gettikng help months ago and you obviously didnt. you said you were cured when you left that other place and you werent. i was your friend nora but a friendship goes two ways. when all one person talks aboput is themselves, the opther person doesnt exactly want to be involved.

^she doesn`t know anything =\ she think`s i have all these issue`s when i don`t. ah, stupid people drive my crazy.
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