Oooh pretty peacock feathers at the top...
Anyway, I know a few of you have DSLRs and are quite serious about your photography. A few years back I bought a camera that was sort of a step inbetween the pocket-sized point and shoots and a full-blown DSLR. It gave me good results, but it's internal battery seems to have died and it now just chews through batteries after about 20-30 shots if I try to use anything other than the auto settings.
I've actually started using my pocket-sized camera again because it gives consistently good results, but it is only 5MP. I do want to step up my skills (I did take photography class in high school and learned about the basics, developed and printed my own b&w shots, etc.). I have some extra cash and am now seriously considering purchasing a DSLR -- it's about time really.
Now I know everyone has their own preference in terms of brand, but I am still curious to know the pros and cons. I admit I am kind of lazy in reading up on all of this because 1. I feel really overwhelmed by it and 2. I don't really understand a lot of the technical details of it. (I realise I will need to overcome no.2 once I get my hands on a camera).
So I really, REALLY love taking macro shots. I know this means a macro lens at some point, but can anyone please give me some hints and tips in terms of what I should be thinking about as this is going to be a major investment. I'd like to get it soonish so I can practice with it before my trip back to California in the late-Autumn. You can see some of what I consider to be my better pictures in
this Flickr account (the other is more of a dumping ground). All the recent stuff is with my old point and shoot - a Canon Powershot A95.