this is a kinda cool site I found for web hosting.
ASPhost On other news I am wondering on whether or not I should make this journal friends only or not. I am just starting to update in it more often now and the reason why I made my GJ friends only was because of certain ppl reading it. =\
So recently the last time I updated I wrote how Travis was getting on my nerves. Well it finally struck me what it is about him that I couldnt pin point before... its the fact that he is reminding me more and more of Leo. Remember how Leo backstabbed me and what not? Well Travis has not done that to me but its just the lil things that he does that irritates me!!! The funny thing is that at one time or another Travis had romantic feelings for me. As well as did Leo. Why is it that almost every guy friend I have ends up wanting to be more than just friends. Ugh! I hate that so much. Its like I cant have any guy friends without them trying to make it into some sort of serious relationship. It sucks so much ass!
Well I didnt do anything much this weekend. Just visited Richel and the boys on Friday. Other than that I did nothing. I have an interview on Wed for the Hyatt hotel! I'm so excited!!! Wish me luck guys!