obligatory "i'm home for a week"

May 14, 2007 13:45

Man, the last time I was home for more than a week and a half was winter break 1.5 years ago! And I'm here to tell you it won't happen again till next winter at the earliest... d'oh...

First things last. I have an internship with a video card company (you may have heard of it) in Santa Clara, CA. My adviser thinks they don't give awesome internships, but I'm gonna do it anyway; it's frickin California (live up to my vague expectations plz), and they chose to pay me well (partly they ought to cuz of the cost of living). I shouldn't care about how much money I make yeah? but I'd like to think it means they think I'll be useful. Hmm idea: I'll keep LJ updated with how my expectations are being met or not? Those expectations are pretty damn excited... when I'm not thinking about how I don't have a place to live yet (!)

So I came back Saturday, slept 12 hrs and did Mother's Day w/ the small extended family. I'll be leaving Saturday afternoon and don't have much specific plans between now and then. Problema Numero Uno is Maryland and Cornell (and others?) are still in exams! I have some crap to take care of (e.g. the housing situation) but such general chores can wait on any cool ideas to do with any of you folks!

And a big shoutout (big ups?) to Southwest Airlines for getting me home. They run their show in a sensible way, but to explain how they're ridicucool, let me tell you how I was totally screwed for the umpteenth and final time this latest semester. Just continuing the reverse chronology of this post :)

Exams ended in bloody fashion on Wednesday: I pulled an allnighter or close enough (2rd in 2 weeks, as if it was Blair again or something) to finish a term paper, then immediately took my last two exams cold. I wanted to leave Friday because our Mother's Day activity was to take place Saturday and I wanted to maximize time at home. I had to move out to storage since I'd have a gap between leases in August. Found storage Thursday afternoon. I got a bus ticket for noon Friday to Chicago, and started seriously moving out at 1am Friday. Allnighter #3. But it turned out to be impossible to get everything out that fast--I don't know how I still have so much crap there despite my minimal "stuff responsibility" philosophy.

So I stood at noon at the apartment entrance with two poorly packed suitcases (that's everything for home and California), reluctantly ready to leave tons of my junk in garbage bags still in the living room and some more still up in my room. My computer was still there--in parts because I wanted to bring it that way, in my suitcases, to here and CA, but I didn't have time to pack it safely. I desperately asked my roommate Vince if he'd finish moving my stuff to storage, that or drive me to Chicago (150 miles away) at 2pm or so..... he was willing and I'm terrible for asking so much of him. Two hours may or may not have been enough time to finish, I just wanted to rest, and Vince had to leave for home himself.

In this miserable state I called my parents, who had bought my plane ticket home. In minutes they found that they could change it to Saturday--for FREE. They solved every problem completely. Thus did Southwest "Refundable Anytime" tickets come to my rescue (along with my parents, who also brought my Grandma back here Saturday so I could see her).

Lesson learned: don't move out with a deadline... or at least do it with lots of time!
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