So I was reading
TechCrunch today and the "
3D Mailbox: Worst. App. Ever." headline caught my eye. Being in software development myself I was naturally intrigued by the prospect of an application that could earn such a dubious title and headed over to the
3D Mailbox site to check it out. What I found was the following video trailer:
Click to view
If that minute and ten seconds of your life wasn't enough to convince you that there was zero hyperbole in Duncan Riley review as to how absurd a concept this is then I guess you are part of the demographic they are going after. Who in gods name thought this was a viable idea and what idiots funded the development? Whoever is responsible must have been on a lot of drugs and/or played way too much
Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball.
On a distantly related note, I also stumbled upon the following
Japanese Sewers Photos on Digg and couldn't help but notice how much they look like some of the levels in Quake III. Maybe I'm the one who's played too many video games.