I'm a time traveler. I went backwards to as close as today as I could get for the last 10 years. It's been a ride my friend....
Allow me to introduce you to the 2024 version of Peigen. Quick stats.
- I own a home with Shannon in Jacksonville, Florida. If all goes well, this is the house I will grow old in.
- Oh and we're married. Yes, this uncertain child ended up married after all. Two years ago with our close friends and family at a Secret Tiki Temple.
- I'm taking care of my bipolar self. I'm medicated still. I'm in therapy with a new wonderful therapist, Khavita. We're doing the good, deep work.
- I'm unlearning my desire to climb the corporate ladder. I did escape Waitr. In fact, Waitr no longer exists. Isn't that something?
It's strange to outlive so many things. To watch them spring up all spry and then wither year over year.
I spent two years overlooking the beach with great people at a company called Flxpoint. I've made some of my greatest Florida friends thanks to that place.
These days I work for a corporate finance company. It's not THE dream but it is A dream. A way of living that gives me space to exist.
Most importantly - no culty vibes here.
Perhaps the biggest thing I want you to know...
- I am no longer doomed.
- I am not destined to suffer.
- I am not guaranteed to lose.
I haven't been right about many things. I haven't been a good predictor of what was coming next. But I did know one true thing.
Leaving Louisiana gave me the space to come up for air. To take deep, deep, deep breaths and begin again. To stand on my own to feet and decide what I was going to carry with me.
These days I feel capable. The world feels open-ended. I am on journey. And if I make it no further than this, I will have still won.
God, talking to you again feels so good. I didn't realize how much I've missed journaling. I haven't even been keeping a physical journal. I've let it fall wayside completely. Time to change that.
Here's to hoping I see you around sooner rather than later.