So I haven't posted in a while.

Sep 24, 2010 11:21

So let's see. I had my 32nd birthday, and man I got some grey hairs ;x. I think I need less stress or something haha. I was kind of sad actually a lot of people whom I expected to show up, did not. We still had fun though and hung out and played some Kubb which was way fun. I'm glad we have our own set now.

Spent my week off cutting floorboards and tidying up the house. Still need to  level the floor in one place since the previous people did a crappy job, so that I can install the baseboard there. Thanks to Dave for having a miter and coming over to help me do a lot of the work.

I quit wow about a month ago. Sold my account for 300, I could have gotten 350 if I took paypal but I'd rather have cash in hand then deal with paypal over electronic goods. It was fun while it lasted but a lot of the friends I enjoyed playing with are on a myriad of servers and don't play all too often anyway, so the time seemed about right with the xpac coming and all. Sad that the person bought my account to pvp with when my druid pretty much had all BIS PVE gear.

Works had a lot of changes, and our printing is starting to dwindle. I really need to go talk to someone about going back to school while I still have a company to pay for it. While I don't think my job will be gone in five years, it could be gone in ten years.

California is a horrible state. Really guys, SB 375? You want to cut emissions by 8% and possibly raise gas to NINE DOLLARS A GALLON? Are you serious? Do you think the people would stand for that? Most people I know drive a lot, to see friends, to go to work, to do things they like. You think people will really go for that? .25 a mile during rush hour? LOL! Mary Nichols can seriously DIAF.

Even worse that Whitman and Brown are now both supporting this Global Warming solutions act. Regardless of if you believe in it or not, one state in the entire world cutting emissions, belief or not, isn't going to do squat.

I picked up M:TG again, and am focusing more on developing my magic. We went dancing the other night and after a short break my knee wasn't very supportive. I'll need to have it looked at soon, it's bothering me more lately but that may be because I started exercising it every other day, then stopped after my gum surgery. Maybe when I start working out again it'll do better.

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