Jan 22, 2008 01:09
i'm getting to know myself way too much. not the me i knew before i came to rutgers.
not just the me you know, or the me rutgers knows me, or the way people at gigs know me, or the way people in my band knew me, or the way my OTHER band knew me, or the way my teachers know me, the ways strangers view me, or the way i see myself most of the time, sober me, less-sober me, professional me, jokester me, honest me, or--most relevant to me today--the a-girl-is-into-me me. not just those guys. all those guys. all my old friends.
too much smoking and too much salinger and too much time wasted on a person i thought was so similar to, and on the same page as, me--and so supposedly UNlike someone i fear even running into ever again--has me really tuned into all my other selves. i bet you all have multiple personalities too. some you don't see too often. that last one i haven't seen at all in at least 7 months...and i thought i was close to the actual in-a-relationship me that i haven't seen in so damn long. i'm a schizophrenic, man. not actually...but close enough.
who even reads this goddamn thing anymore
fuck shit balls