There are great things happening! Julie and I have been dating almost a year; school's about to start...Yay, life is good, that's fine but THAT'S NOT WHY I'M WRITING
And I know this makes me such a loser for venting my anger by blogging, but it's safer than bitching to my friends, or worse, to Julie, who gets upset when I get this angry. Understandable, because usually I'm really cool about people being retarded (except on the road, where everyone drives like an idiot except for me), like the one time I flipped out when I got my ninth parking ticket and screamed and she got scared. So...sorry about that, baby...So, better I write this one down rather than yell about it later.
Charter can kiss my fucking ass. I hate you, customer service. I have never dealt with any technological service (internet, computer, cable, etc.) on the phone and been taken care of (a) in any reasonable amount of time, or (b) by a service rep with a single shred of competence. My internet has been cutting out almost constantly...It works for about 30 minutes to an hour, then slows to a complete less-than-dial-up-speed crawl, then stops completely until I unplug the modem and plug it back in, sometimes having to restart my computer in the process, which takes about ten minutes (I know it's a long time, but that's my problem, not theirs). So I called them today and talked to...and please do not peg me a racist for this, but an Indian or an Arabic service rep. Now, again I insist that I am NOT a racist, at the very least not against Arabic people or Indians (I have been known to be a little hasty and presumptuous about Hispanics, but blame that on my southern upbringing, and I admit that I'm almost always wrong about that), but PLEASE. CHARTER DO NOT HIRE PEOPLE WHO CANNOT SPEAK ENGLISH FLUENTLY AND IN A SEMI-DISCERNABLE ACCENT. I spent about 5 minutes trying to get the guy to say OVER and OVER again the address he wanted me to go to to test my speed out, all the while being treated like an idiot who had never used a keyboard before ("When I say 'slash,' I mean forward slash. It's the one where you press shift, then the question mark key." THANKS ASSHOLE). Of course after I restarted my computer and the modem, the speed was really fast like it ALWAYS is for about half an hour, JUST LIKE I TOLD HIM (or her, wasn't sure), then he says it's fixed and if it happens again please call customer service again. HEY. THIS HAPPENS ALL THE TIME. EVERY DAY. THIS IS THE THIRD FUCKING TIME I'VE DONE THIS TODAY ALREADY. IT WILL HAPPEN AGAIN. Well turn off your firewall. I USE A WINDOWS FIREWALL AND YOUR PRODUCT IS DESIGNED TO WORK WITH WINDOWS. IT WILL NOT HELP I DON'T THINK, DICKWAD. Well whenever this happens just restart the modem and your computer again. ...Are you kidding me? I asked...You want me to just do what I've been doing over and over again, five or so times a day, and just deal with it? Something doesn't ring right with me about that. Anyway. They said fucking suck it up and we'll call a tech out to you next time. I said well I think maybe it's your fault for leasing me a modem that's been through about six or seven accounts already and has probably outlived its usefulness by now. Yeah well. They wouldn't hear it. THANK YOU DICKS
Anyway. Oh, yeah, The Great American Challenge split off into a different band (read: Chris left us, now we're a piano rock trio). New music on the
Chestnut House MySpace. We recorded these super-quick just to get something to clubs.