It's been awhile.

Jan 29, 2008 01:11

I've never been good at keeping this thing going for longer than a couple of days. Thankfully they didn't delete my account yet, haha. Well right now, it's obviously January, so that means it's J-Term here in wonderful Oneonta at Hartwick College. I'm taking a theatre class, so this has been quite the interesting J-Term experience. I am having a lot more fun this year than I did last year with my J-Term, so that's good. Acting is always fun though, you just have to really get into it. I'm performing two pieces, one is about the facination I have with the human body, and the other is a piece on reminisicing. I love how I still can't find away to get away from Nursing, it always comes back to bite me in the butt :P

But anyway, I really only wanted to write because I've been feeling the need to get off my chest what I want in a guy. Well, not exactly what I want in him, but of him, whatever, you get what I mean. Why you ask? Well, Ash wrote a really interesting piece on how we always have these ideas about what we want, and how we really don't know what we want... And really, it's so true, but part of me still wants to have a comprehensive list of things I think I want in a guy :P Alright, well this is ideal, I doubt I'll find a single guy who's interested in me who exhibits ALL of these, but hey. I'm just throwing it out there! :P

Dark hair, nice cut, clean shaven, lighter eyes (ie: blue), musuclar, as tall or taller than me (I've come to terms with the fact that I'm almost a giant), smart, funny, caring, realistic, not cheap, challenging, who smiles and laughs, who appreciates a good burp (hahaha), someone who doesn't completely hate sports, a positive thinker, someone who is romantic and will be willing to lay out and look at stars with me, a cuddler, someone with manners, who is nice, who tries new things without hesitation, someone who challenges me...

Oh, Ashley's right. I don't know what the heck I want...

Well, I tried! :)

Farewell <3
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