Mar 24, 2007 22:35

So I'm home on Spring Break.  It's cool to be back in good ol' CP.  I miss the lively atmosphere.  I miss stores.  I gas stations that are open late.  I miss my friends and family. I miss good food.  I miss sleeping until ridiculous hours of the night.  I miss a lot :)  But now that I'm back I can absorb all of the things I previously missed and bathe in their goodness.

Ahaha, anyway, no more creepy talk.  So I was talking to my Mom and she was telling me about these CREEPY phone calls my dad has been receiving.  Apparently they have been coming around the 1am hour... either just before or right around 1:00.  The first was received on early Thursday morning and the second my Dad estimates was about a week apart, possibly again on a Thursday.  This call to his cell phone appeared as "Restricted."  He then took this info and came up with the theory that it was my Grandfather, sending a sign that he's still around.  Now hey, don't go jumping to conclusions and thinking my Dad is some sort of creep, because him saying something like that is not only completely unlikely, but very out of sorts.  It does however, make loads of sense.  Facts: My Grandfather died early Thursday morning on June 22, 2006.  My Grandmother heard what she thought to be a "cough" or "sigh" around 1 or 2am, which ended up being as the ambulance driver explained, the noise one makes after he or she has died, it's the release of air that is left within the body.  And the fact that the phone number was "Restricted" was also creepy because the phone number at my Grandparent's house is private and does appear as "restricted" on cell phones.  The last weird part is that my Grandfather ALWAYS called my father's cell phone. So for someone to call with a restricted number, around the same time it was estimated for my Grandfather to have died, to my Dad's phone, early on a Thursday morning (again around the time he had died), is rather unlikely.  I got the chills as my Mom was telling me this, but it could quite possibly be my Grandfather sending another sign to us to let us know that he's still hanging around.  The other uncanny part is that it wasn't just one random call out of the blue, it was two SEPARATE calls on two DIFFERENT days.  Crazy, isn't it?

*Sigh* It's crazy to think about things like that, and it's even more obscure because you'll never really know the answer to it, youjust have to go with the flow and suspect that things are the way they are for a certain reason.  And then accept that reason, haha.

But anyway!  I'm sure you'd like to read a little bit more about my life rather than my supernatural breakdowns of what messages my Grandfather might possibly be sending out, haha.  I am currently chilling in my room and about to do a take home quiz I was so excitingly given as I was in class on Friday.  I really hate the fact that my professors decided to give mad homework over break.  IT'S SPRING BREAK, as in, let me get a BREAK from all the work you have given me otherwise!  Haha.  Frustrating!  But oh well, I guess the brain that doesn't have the chance to slack will be able to learn when we get back.

Another frustrating topic is the fact that we don't have the Monday after Easter Sunday off.  I am going to have to leave home wicked late on Sunday so I can get back to school for classes on Monday!  Luckily though I don't have any 8am classes, but I hope I don't have any homework because I'll be screwed.  I won't have any time to do it!  Oh my, I am just a complainer today, haha.

Well, at this point, I should really be doing homework. I set myself up with a schedule so I do at least one assignment (on some nights two) per night, so I'm not stressed out Friday and Saturday because I haven't done a DAMN thing :P So I'm gonna go work my butt off and hopefully not do an all nighter, seeing as it IS my vacation, haha.

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