Thanksgiving Break

Nov 24, 2005 08:41

Another day has come and by and apparently now it's finally Thanksgiving. More festivies and food than one can count on in a normal day minus the rigors of studying and education.

Thanksgiving break, according to Clemson, is going to last till Sunday. That means I get to do whatever I want .. but I'm stuck in the seclusion of my own bloddy home in Florence. No car, no cable, no fast t-3 connection, and definitely nothing worthwhile to do. I'm SUPPOSE to study during this break and to do the 100 other things that you could supposidly do to make this life worthwhile other than roaming around like a hobo on the internet.

I've been recently caught up again in Shattered Kingdoms.. the mud that most male govies seem to have played at one time or another. MUD as in Multi-User Dungeon if you're out of sync and/or are a girl (no offense or anything). The whole concept is to immerse yourself in this fantasy where where you can be dicks to other people lower level than you and recieve massive dickery from people higher level than you and with more power than you. A common occurance such as last morning where Lin lost a level and I got 2 characters deleted for supposid "Multiplaying" at 4 am in the morning. What kind of person plays at 4 am in the morning and likes being a dick to other low level people? .. You guessed it.... AUSSIES!.. rather the nerds from Aussie who play MUD's at around 4:00 pm -.-.

We often forget ourselves in our own little fantasies only to snap out of it once in a while to come to realize that life isn't that great to live in. I guess that's why I continue.. along with the thousands upon millions of other souls out there (yeah that's about a billion or so maybe) continue to immerse ourselves in these so called "fantasy games" where we get to live the life of other people in other environments that are so much better than the one that we live in the "real world". I feel like crying, dying, killing, going crazy all at the same time when I wake up (whenever I go to sleep that is) from a long nap or something. .. Just feel myself going insane for no apparent reason...

.. either that or I'm completely a lil stupid emo kid.
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