Feb 24, 2015 11:02
Well, that was a traumatic morning.
Skritty the Wonder Kitty had to go to the vet this morning. Has a recurring abscess on his head, and another one appeared yesterday over his eyelid. The recurring abscess broke open yesterday, so we figured it's time to take.
Borrowed a cat cage, as we have none. (yes, ridiculous of us, I know)
It's an old one - with the lid opening at the top. I think the friend we borrowed it from uses it for her guinea pigs.
So....Operation Cat Cage commenced with Damien scooping Skritty up before he realized what was happening, and pretty much stuffing him into the cage. (I'll just mention here that Skritty has never been in a cat carry case before, nor has he been to the vet, nor has he even been in a car)
I'm pretty sure you can see where this is going, right?
The vet is about a two minute drive away. Skritty did not like the cage, he did not like the car. Much yowling ensued, moving about the cage frantically, sticking his paws out with me trying to move away from those claws (the cage was on my lap).
We get to the vet - I breathe a sigh of relief yet at the same time start getting anxious about how the hell we'll get him back in the cage after the vet has seen him.
Get to the counter. All vets are out on calls & visits with only one vet in the office. Who is completely busy with consults and a snake-bit dog. Can't see us till 3pm this afternoon.
Another ride home, full of yowling, Skritty making it quite plain that we have completely and utterly traumatized him and scarred him for life.
At home (you wouldn't believe how much noise a cat can make in a two minute drive), open the cage lid in the kitchen, Skritty tentatively gets out. Then lies down on the floor and proceeds to groom himself very calmly. I give him a small bowl of tuna, hoping that he'll associate yummy food with the cat cage. (Fat chance).
And we get to do it all over again this afternoon.