Myshuno: Sneaking Out

Oct 16, 2011 20:09

Prompt: Sneaking Out
Rating: Everyone
Note: About a generation in the future, so specific details might be wrong when it comes to it. Also, ‘uncle’ is not meant literally in this - just as a friend of their parent’s. And some references to spoilers.
Character list (you’d need it for this one): Dalton, Madeline, Kirk, Tia & Tori Ryman, Irene & Carol Miguel, Ben McCarthy, and Nancy Cormier-Harris
Word Count: 516

Dalton sighed contentedly as he got ready for bed, folding his clothes away and enjoying the quiet of his own room.

But it didn’t last long as there was sudden and hurried knocking on his door before it burst open showing a sufficiently out of breath Madeline that she thought rather than spoke “Dalton!”

“What is it?”

“The others are sneaking out!”

Dalton groaned and followed her as she led the way downstairs to the other three grabbing coats and putting their shoes on as quietly as possible, and with several unsurprising faces waiting for them. “And where do you think you’re going?” he demanded.

The others gave Madeline varying looks of annoyance, but Carol was the most vocal about it, “Oh great, way to go Madelame!”

Dalton frowned at her, “Maddy was right to tell me - where do you think you’re all going?”

“We’re going out, to have fun - something you’re supposed to know about!” Irene frowned back.

“I’m fine with having fun, but that’s completely possible during daylight hours. Not sneaking out in the middle of the night! And you three,” he said, looking at his other younger siblings, “aren’t going anywhere!”

“Just because you don’t want to have fun, it doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t get to!” Ben chipped in.

“It’s my responsibility to keep an eye on them, and that’s what I’m doing.”

“So come with us,” Nancy suggested with that appealing smile she had. An appealing smile Dalton should definitely not be taken in by.

“No. Dad wouldn’t want us to. It’s dangerous.”

“It’s not that bad,” Tia pointed out.

“Our Aunt was killed in broad daylight!” he exclaimed - why couldn’t they understand this?!

“Yeah, but it’s night-time now,” Kirk replied.

“And night-time is always worse!”

“Yeah, but they caught the guy who killed her, so it’s not like he’s gonna get us!” Tori rolled her eyes.

“And they just arrested a bunch more people,” Nancy agreed.

“So what, you think they’ve arrested all the criminals in town? You don’t think they may have missed even just one, who might be sneaking around town, looking for defenceless young people wandering the streets?”

“Er, I- I might stay here,” Tia mumbled apologetically, and the rest of them groaned at her.

“We’re not defenceless - we’ve still got six people even without Tia, and we can look after ourselves,” Carol challenged.

“Yeah!” Kirk and the rest of them agreed.

“Okay, but if you walk out that door, I will wake up Dad, and he will ground you two forever,” he said sternly, looking at Kirk and Tori.

“Don’t be such a killjoy-!” Irene started.

“And then I will call the rest of your parents,” he continued to noises of outrage, “and I’m sure Uncle Elliot and Uncle Brawly won’t be happy about their daughters sneaking around town in the middle of the night, nor Uncle Dwayne about his only child,” he threatened as Nancy, Irene, Carol, and Ben glared at him.

“You suck, Dullton,” Carol scowled.

“Just doing my job,” he replied, resolute as the quads trooped back upstairs, Kirk and Tori muttering mutinously.

generation 5, dalton, myshuno, simspiration

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