Jan 21, 2011 13:55
I've now spoken to my Dad - new laptop it would seem to be! I think I'm going to get the train home on... Thursday, maybe, and then buy one there, load all my sims stuff on to it (*prays that that whole you-can-only-install-them-so-many-times thing isn't going to be a problem*) and then come back to get back with the legacy, hopefully in time for Simspiration's Simstocremo thing in February.
13A and B will have to wait 'til then, but if you think that'll stop me writing about my sims, you clearly don't know me very well ;)
In other news:
- Trolls continue to suck, especially when you've only just woken up and you have no ability to ban them *head-pillow*
- I don't care if some people like tarantulas, I do not need to see their group's tarantula picture everytime I go onto my LJ homepage >_<
Now to browse for a shiny new laptop :D
real life