I considered doing 10 facts for each of them, but this makes just as much sense for now.
Normally I would leave something like this to be explained in the story, but since Liv's only a spare it's unlikely to ever come up in sufficient detail, and I've kind of just thrown that dynamic in there without any backstory, so... you get this. And I get to use some really old pictures I took in the off-chance that Winston went on to become a villain and needed his backstory explaining ^_^ (he's not the only sim we've done that for :P)
You will have noticed, and continue to notice, that Seth doesn't exactly like Winston. You are not wrong in this observation.
Once upon a time, there was a university student called Seth Jayapalan. He was engaged and in love with a fellow student. But then he found out the truth of the universe he lived in and wasn't happy because he wasn't famous when close relatives of his were (in his mind, anyway), purely thanks to an heir poll. He resolved to change the minds of the voters by ruining the main family and making his as good as possible by the standards he (thought he) found on the website in question.
All of a sudden appearances really mattered, but he was engaged to a girl with 'Goopy face' and their chances of having attractive children were slim - he at least subconsciously felt that she was holding him back, but he still kind of loved her back then (that didn't really last much longer than that point). Noticing that reaper children were both attractive and popular in terms of what they were, he decided to get some.
As you'll know, he did, and Karen and Laura were everything he hoped they'd be (well, except for the outerworld popularity, but that was the simmer's fault rather than their own) - they were both gorgeous, sociable and popular, and wound up pleasure sims just like he was. They had been planned and worked out exactly as Seth had wanted.
And then there was Winston. Seth had not planned Winston, though his wife at least desperately wanted him, even if she didn't make sure she got pregnant.
Seth did make something of an effort with him, especially when he was small, because he wasn't exactly averse to more kids, he was more concerned that they might demonstrate what his and his wife's kids ought to look like in comparison to what Karen and Laura really did look like, and that could have scuppered his plans. However, their simmer continued to seemingly ignore them and Winston didn't cause that problem. Had Winston gone on to become a popular, pleasure-seeking mini-Seth (even without the looks), things probably would have been okay.
(I like to think Seth's criticising Winston's insufficient ability to cheat here)God knows Winston at least tried and they did have some personality aspects in common, but in comparison to his older half-sisters it was nowhere near enough, and so, even before Seth got locked away, he was already coming to think of Winston as a disappointment.
Of course, then Seth did get locked away, while Winston was still only a child.
As said child, Winston naturally wanted to impress his father and live up to his older sisters. He didn't really understand why his father had to go to jail and even when he was told more details, he was sceptical about it being warranted, that it was some mistake or the victims had deserved it, so he continued to idolise his father.
This was not helped by his remaining home life:
His family was stricter since Seth had gone to jail since he'd been the laid-back one and Winston's mother and aunt weren't about to hold with any rule-breaking after all that, so Winston rarely got to do what he wanted, which he felt he would have done if Seth had been around. Nor was he understood much in the house; his mother and aunt were popularity sims and his sisters were pleasure, so they could all share a fairly good understanding, but fortune didn't mesh quite so well into that framework - he probably shouldn't have thought Seth would have understood any better since Seth was pleasure too, but he could imagine. At least if Seth had been around, he wouldn't have been the only guy too.
By the time Seth was out of jail and no longer on the run, Winston was an adult. Seth could have little idea about how his son would have turned out, and Winston had clearly idealised the whole situation and couldn't have been said to have known his father all that well either.
So now there is the problem that, besides both having 10 neat points and 1 nice point each, they have practically nothing in common and wouldn't be at all connected if they weren't related. Seth's high - but shallow - standards, set by his daughters, are way above Winston. Seth prizes appearances, sociability and knowing how to have fun, while Winston's hard work, focus and materialism don't help him at all there. Seth actually gets on better with Rodney, because, while Rodney is also a fortune sim, Seth can at least respect Rodney's ability to turn on some charm when he wants or needs to. Plus the fact that Seth has to have the slight embarrassment of being related to someone like that.
As for Winston, the idealism hasn't entirely gone yet, but he is becoming increasingly disillusioned with his father... But you'll see that for yourselves later.
Have you noticed that we over-develop a lot of stuff in this story yet? Whatever, have a gratuitous picture of Seth from the next chapter that we shot more of earlier.
*Gasp* Feet on the counter, no less! He truly is evil!
Speaking of the next chapter: we've got aboeut 62 slides done now, but that's not even halfway there, I'm sure, so it is coming, but not too soon, especially since I'll slow down a bit to do some revision soon, I swear *shifty*