The original neighbourhood was getting a bit left behind the staged neighbourhood, so I've done a lot of playing. Probably more than I should have done...
Firstly, I had to play Mia's birthday for real, and after all she's gone through I had to give her a proper party...
Still weird seeing her old, but we're going to have to get used to it. Anyway, the reason I'm telling you about this, is because this happened:
Briney: "Want!"
Now, to be honest, I planned that Briney would like Liv from before he became a teenager so I didn't know how true it would be, but it's nice to be right. They naturally have two bolts (good considering he's popularity and she's fortune) and Briney was following her all around the party and then autonomously did this - which, since they're best friends, made them fall in love. Bless ^_^
After that it was Lyle's birthday, and it was never going to be long before:
Roxanne: "ZOMG. How unexpected after 8 days of endless waiting!"
Have I told you lately how much we love this couple? Because we do. A lot.
Wouldn't have thought Roxanne would be a cake-shover myself, but it's still adorable ^_^
Srsly guys. LOVE these two.
Oh, and Briney would like to add:
"I can has?"
Oh Briney, I'm afraid both you and Liv suffer from a terrible infection of the 'plot' virus. It means your life is unnecessarily dramatic and complicated, but much more interesting to watch from a distance. But we love you too.
Yeah, we're playing ahead a lot. I can't help myself. Or choose which person to speak in.
Grilled Cheeeeeese!
Baby number 1! And that is red hair, if you're wondering - Juan's genetics live on! ^_^
Meet Elliot Raymond - though we're considering changing their last name to Harris in honour of Juan, because Juan is awesome and the red hair lives on!
Also: Dear Alvin,
We realise that there's probably not much you can do about it by this point - and that, even if you could, you might not want to, given how the plot sold you rather short - but could you somehow see your way to letting your genetics fade away a bit? Seriously, I don't think I've ever seen such a dominant face type.
K thx, Mzyra.
All I can tell he's got from Roxanne at the moment is the eye shape (and colour), but Lyle's eyes were from Juan not Alvin, so... grah. Anyway, at least it'll mean that Elliot's probably gonna be pretty cute as he grows.
So here we have the full Raymond(/Harris) family - the second baby is a little girl called Vivian, and like her brother she has red hair, dark blue eyes and skin tone 3. Seriously, we'd quite like this family for ourselves. But we're glad Lyle got it for himself ^_^
Oh, and Stone and Ned Aldrich became toddlers too (they grew into matching suits but different colours! And then I didn't take a picture of that :P ):
And Wally married Sophie Miguel (they'll be next on the baby list):
For those of you interested, she has him totally wrapped around her little finger and his friends won't stop teasing him because he won't admit it. ^_^
Liv: "You know, I really wouldn't mind-"
I know! Stop hassling me! What part of 'plot' do you people not understand?! >_<