Oct 28, 2010 03:33
I started playing Kimmy's apocalypse proper today - did about three simweeks before she finally lifted a career and moved in her lover/husband (I swear there used to be a rule by which you couldn't get married until you'd lifted Law or something? Maybe it was a different version).
Thing is, I was planning on doing this massive handicap thing where you had to lift the careers in a certain (randomised) order, but of course we've gone and lifted the wrong career, so that's that out the window.
However, this has opened up interesting new options now that we look at it and I think we might have found a sort-of loophole, albeit a slightly risky one... Still, if we fail I'll only start over, but oh, the plot possibilities if it works...
But seriously, why so many rules?! >_< We were so happy when we noticed this thing, but then we noticed we had to do something else entirely before we could use it... Bleh, I say.
But, oh, the plot! ^_^