My extended legacy family's getting quite big nowadays and I don't blame any of my readers who get confused with it, so I took some pictures to help people out. And I also find them cute anyway so here you go...
Note: if some of these pictures aren't very good quality it's probably because it seems to be affected when there are, oh, I don't know, 20 sims on one lot... And I can't figure out how to make them any I have no idea how some people manage these so well...
Firstly: ye goode olde days:
For those of you with very short memories or who haven't actually read my legacy but were bored and like family photos;
The middle couple were my founders, Birch Ryman and his wife Carla
Standing: Marina, Sean and Kimmy
Sitting: generation 1 heiress Nicola and Terry
Good times.
Nicola was only fourth oldest, but since she was heiress I'll give you her extended family first (not quite true given that Nicola and her husband died before they reached elder, but if they were):
Oh my, where to start?
Obviously on the bench: Nicola Ryman and her husband Alvin
Adults (generation 2): Calvin Verse-Ryman, Mia Ryman (generation 2 heiress), Gina Lum-Ryman, (kneeling) Rick Wong-Ryman, Allen McCarthy-Ryman
Teenagers: Wally Verse, James Verse, Lyle Ryman, Ivan Wong, Joey Wong
Kids: Isabel Verse, Jose Ryman, Liv Ryman, Clark Wong, Daisy McCarthy (dancing with Allen), Josh Wong
Toddlers: Briney Lum (adopted, in Gina's arms), Tommy Wong
We have yet to determine which of the three Ryman kids will be the generation 3 heir(ess). We really need to get thinking on that.
Marina's family:
On the bench: Marina Jayapalan-Ryman, Nery Jayapalan
Adults: Seth Jayapalan, Sara Landry-Jayapalan, Cindy Jayapalan, (on the floor) Haley Cormier-Jayapalan, Brendan Jayapalan
Teens: Winston Jayapalan, Laura Jayapalan, Karen Jayapalan, Lola Cormier, Norman Tang (Brendan's son, parents unmarried)
Sean's Family:
On the bench: Sean Raymond-Ryman, Opal Raymond
Adults: May Raymond, Tiana Andrews-Ryman
Teens: (adopted) Roxanne Raymond, (adopted) Billy Raymond, Johanna Andrews, Janice Andrews
Kimmy's 'Family':
On the bench: Count Christian Mamuyac, Kimmy Mamuyac-Ryman
Adult: Tom Mamuyac (gen 2)
Teen: Tessa Mamuyac (gen 3)
Toddler: Briney Mamuyac/Lum (gen 2 or 3, depending on whether you count his real or adopted parents)
And finally, *sigh* Terry's family...
D'awww. Hence the OWBC.
Back to Briney, now that I've given that away, an explanation is probably in order:
Back a generation or so ago, Terry had died and Tom had become a teenager. I had my plot all planned and sorted out for Tom, I was just playing him for a few more days to get him scholarships and such before shipping him off to uni. I believe he was painting a portrait when suddenly: ding a-ding-ding, ding-ding! Bugger.
As some of you will know, I predetermine how many kids each sim will have - Kimmy was meant to have 1 kid and 1 only. Thing is that I also have ACR and, since Kimmy was Grilled Cheese and Christian was Pleasure, I guess that Briney was a product of 'risky woohoo' because they weren't the parental types, though I tried to stop them most of the time just in case, but it finally backfired.
I considered changing my plans as I adore simchildren both out of broodiness and curiosity, but the plot was all there and Kimmy having another child would mess it all up. Since I only had one sim day before Kimmy would show (and Tom wouldn't be able to kill a pregnant lady) I had to suddenly bring that scene forward (and hide all the bits where Kimmy would suddenly try to run into the house to puke).
Briney is in fact pretty much the entire reason I brought Kimmy and Terry back - otherwise I would have done the apocalypse and OWBC as actual afterlife stuff, but I wanted to know about this child, and since the opportunity came when Gina would have to be adopting a child, I timed it for about then, the opportunity for resurrection luckily co-inciding for me wanting to resurrect Juan and Zack for the Bachelor Challenge.
So that's what's going on there. Naturally Kimmy didn't want to be raising another kid, so she ditched him (pretty much at random, she doesn't know Gina or Jenna) and Briney will probably never know who his parents were unless there happens to be a blood test with Tom that reveals that they're brothers. Will Briney inherit his mothers' villain-ness? Will he be good despite it? Will he be a villain but that having nothing to do with who his parents were because some people are jerks anyway? Honestly, I don't know, the plot's elsewhere at the minute. But now you know...
And I'm quite glad I did allow Briney to be born because, as you can observe from the pictures above, Birch's genetics are pretty much gone by generation 3 as the generation 2 members who carried his traits most (Sara, May, Cindy and Gina) all either didn't have kids or adopted, but Briney has Birch's nose so maybe we'll get them back a bit more...?
TL;DR: Kimmy enjoys screwing me over, and yay family and babies! :D