I've had the past week off, so I did a bit of downloads sorting, and was trying to fix a problem I've had for a really long time, but have totally failed to do so, so I was wondering if anyone else had ever experienced the same thing.
It's this, and although you can't see it from this picture, it affects both wrists and ankles on all of the original game male pajamas. It looks ridiculous and is annoying and difficult to shoot around (you can see it in some of my legacy pictures at points, before everything got quite so stage-y) when so many sims automatically get these pajamas.
I'm sure it is download related because there have been times where I have completely removed my download folder and it stopped, but when I've tried removing all of the adult male pajama stuff I can find it hasn't stopped. I know I should just continually remove individual files until I find it, but it takes so long to load my game each time that I hoped that maybe if somebody else had had this problem and knew the culprit they might be able to help me.