Kimmy Hell 4

Mar 25, 2014 07:48

Hi, quick post since actually I need to be getting ready for work in... 11 minutes.

Kimmy Hell Chapter 4, as per my Simstocremo goal.

Speaking of, I'm meant to be finishing an OWBC chapter and a legacy update. The only way I will manage that is if I cut the update into two halves, otherwise I never really had a chance, tbh.

Also, you may have noticed that I am extremely quiet. To be completely honest, it's not that I'm not around or even that I have nothing to say, it's actually that I'm making use of LiveJournal's saving draft thing for the next part of the Afterlife story (1,651 words currently) and have been for a few weeks now, and every time I start a different post I fear I'll make a mistake and lose it. Yeah, I could just copy and paste to Word (and I do have a version there), but that really screws with the formatting when I try to put it back into LJ (see the first Afterlife one where the spacing still isn't right). So, that's maybe something to eventually expect too (or the sound of me yelling from a different country when I screw up and lose it).

So hi, bye, love you, need to get ready for work now x

simstocremo, apocalypse, kimmy, update, chapter

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