Neighbourhood Picspam

Jul 10, 2010 15:37

I'm bored...

Karen's been getting on the wrong side of Mrs Crumplebottom while at university due to 'misuse of a photobooth'...

Norman (Birch -> Marina -> Brendan -> Norman) finds himself in a spot of bother that we weren't actually really planning for (looks like we're going to have another alien next generation too!)...

Lyle's been making phone calls to distant adopted cousin Roxanne Raymond...

The local servo population has increased dramatically (from 0)...

And what's all this, then...?

This is the one annoying thing about the BC - I really want to play the rest of the neighbourhood, but the main house is already at least 2 days behind everyone else so very little of ^that has actually happened yet. But I want to play it more. I want to know for certain who Karen's going to wind up with, I want Norman to become an adult so he can have that alien baby, I want the story to move on to Lyle's life, I- um I'm not certain what's happening with servos for now besides being very handy babysitters, but I am desperate to know what that baby's going to look like!
I guess this should be motivation to be playing and writing quicker so I can get back to things, but GRAH for impatience.

*sigh*, sims, ryman, picspam

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