
Oct 07, 2006 19:42

kitten's not such a kitten anymore - the beast weighs in at almost 10lbs... like 9.5. DAMN.

condo search going slow but well - kinda trying to shift the focus back to seattle. i think it'll be easier to find an older 1br in seattle for less than what i'm finding 1br in bellevue to renton area. besides, i prefer older buildings with character. now, to convince my parents that it's ok to buy a condo in a building that's 100 yrs old... yes, how do i do that?

decided to splurge and buy myself some things this paycheck... and it turned out splendidly. i found a black and white striped shirt FINALLY. i've been half-heartedly looking for one for at least two years. something that was comfortable, thin enough to wear under other shirts, preferrably soft (yes i do buy clothing based on texture!), long sleeved obviously and attractive if worn by itself. obviously this was the downfall - finding something that fits all these categories. but yesterday i did just that. viola! thank you universe for finally placing this one in my path. i promise to be nice to the bellevue drivers for at least a week - i won't even yell nasty things at them from inside my car when they try to kill me...

other splurged item will be here mon or tues & i'll have to call in late to pick it up at the post office (ala corset anyone?) but who cares? my work thinks i'm gods-gift to them and believe i hung the moon (or if i didn't i can figure out how it was done and how to tweak it to their liking)... not like i have to feel guilty even, just means one less hour of OT on that check. wow. darn. down to 7 hrs OT instead of my typical 8. how tragic!

been talking to an ex a bit lately - very odd. usually i'm still attracted to my ex's but for some reason this one isn't sparking any desire in me. other than a sociable one to hang out & chat. weird, cause he's still cute and all. guess maybe i'm trying to even my karma for having such spite for Adam - making friends with a different ex to make up for it?

13 days. excellent. can't wait.

only other thing to report is a strange social anxiety lately. i've been making plans with people & cancelling, refusing to go out to things i said i would... kinda weird. more so than my usual antisocial behavior, which is typically marked by me NOT agreeing to go to anything. but yeah, i get bored, arrange something, then bail. perhaps it's the weather?
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