Another celebration...

Nov 21, 2008 06:51

Well I seem to have survived another birthday. This past Wednesday, Nov 19th, saw another celebration of my birth 43 years ago. Am I the only middle aged person out there who looks at their age and wonders "WTF? I dont FEEL (insert age)"? My physical age may be 43 but mental I think I am still about 25 LOL. I will admit with one small exception I had a great birthday. First time in a very long time that my birthday wasnt swept under the proverbial rug. I actually had a birthday cake this year and the husband even remembered and got me a card! Only mar on the day was not receiving birthday wishes by one family member; but I can understand as they have thier own chaos happening in their life right now (though I did have a moment of excitement when I saw thier phone number show up on my caller ID while talking to another family member... I tried to "flip" the call but couldnt get to them in time. When I called them back it was to find out their phone had dialed me on accident...  LOL  At least their phone remembered! ROFLOL).

I fianlly have a work release to go back to work after dealing with this sinsus infection from hell. ONly problemnow is since I was dealing with MRSA work wont let me come back without a release from an infecticous disease physician and trying to get in to see one is proving to be almost impossiable with this upcoming holiday week! AARRGGHH  Being off work for a month has been a nightmare bill wise. I have GOT to get back to work!

More later, I need to get Kidling M to the orthodontist for the initial consultation to find out what all we have to do to get her into braces and how much father into debt I am going to need to be to do this.

work, kidling, birthday

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