Casa Chaos? To mild a term.

Apr 01, 2008 06:03

I have frequently refered to my household as "casa chaos" but the last week "chaos" is to mild a descriptive. Lets see if I can do a general recap:

Friday was my "last" day at PMC. I am still technicaly FT until tomorrow but I used up the PTO days I had left. The irony is I was oncall until Monday morning 0800. And work didnt let me forget it. My pager would not shut up! I spent most of the day Saturday and Sunday remote accessed into work. Joys of a management job.

Sunday afternoon Kidling D said she had to go to the ER. She has been having what she attributed to mild "stomach flu" for about a week. Seemed a reasonable assumption seeing as it's been going around. When Kidling D says she dosent feel good she never says it lightly so off to the ER we go. After the usual round of tests we discover it's her appendex and at 1700 she is wisked away into emergency surgery. She did fine and we got to it before it ruptured and they were able to do it laproscopic so she only has the 3 tiny incisions (less than 1/4"). She came home last night, Monday, and is doing good.

School is killing me. Or at least it fees like it. I am so confused right now in organic chemestry its not funny. It has been over 20 years since I last took a chem class and here I am sitting in Organic Chem! What was I thinking?! I should have taken a semester of Elemental Chem as a refresher first but I didnt. Oh well. My "a" is now a high "b" and if I can survive with that "b" intact I will consider myself lucky.  I have a major exam (1/4th of my grade) in Chem tomorrow and I am nervous as hell about it. I have exams in my other classes too (Music theory and Lifespan Psych) but I feel solid in those classes and I'm not stressing as much over them. I still hate to take the tests and I have to motivate myself to watch the DVD's and listen to the music assignments (they are classes I am taking via the internet) but I get the assignments done without much stress and manage to muddle my way through the exams with minor mistakes. I guess part of my stress with Chem is that I love sceince. Always have, always will. Thats part of why I became a nurse. The human body amazes me in its delicate balancing act it performs. We are walking chemical and biological reactions and the slightest "tip over" in a reaction can send our bodies into a cascade. Oops. Sorry. See what I mean? I can talk about us, the human organism, and find beauty in the simplist and basic of functions/reactions (which not all are pleasant to say the least) that our bodies perform every second without a concious thought on our own part.

Today I have General Hospital Orientation at my new job. I am typing this wearing my scrubs. I know this probably sounds funny to everyone but it feels like I have returned to what I am supposed to be doing as a nurse. Silly that something as simple as the clothes you wear making you mentaly feel different isnt it? As a manager I had to wear "business casual", but as a clinical nurse (which as a house supervisor I am again) I wear my scrubs; I think too the weight of my "ears" (my stethescope) around my neck is also part of the feeling. 

work, kidlings, school

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