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Dec 23, 2004 00:00

im watching this kool ass thing on tv. its a hotel made out of ice. nd guess whos taking me?? Luis! haa well anyways. tday was pretty interesting. not as boring as the other days ;] .. las nite i went 2 bed at 2 in the morning cus i was talking 2 luis.. we got super close in like jus 3 hours. it was kool. nd guess wut ppl? we got married 2 lmao. YUP YUP luis is my husband!! buahaha. so yah going bak 2 tday.. i went 2 brandsmart with my parents brother nd grandma bcus my parents hadda buy a new stove or w/e . nd yah then went 2 BK cus my sister sed she was hungry nd we hadda take her some food cus she was working. but jes shes retarted lol.. i came home nd my aunt came over nd i did her hair nd make up cus she hadda go 2 this party thing for her job. i made her look so pretty. HAA im so good lol. then i went with my sister 2 walgreens 2 buy a gift bag 4 julien.. nd then winn dixie. THEN i went online nd i started talking 2 my husband nd then Gio IMd me nd yah hes another kool ass guy i met tday. well i actually met them both the day of my birthday but we didnt talk after that lol. cus they came over my house 4 a bit but i was watching white chiks with sum ppl. nd they were outside with other ppl lol. nd now is wen i talk 2 them. theyre KOOL as hell i love em! lol. i told gio we all gotta chyll one day. me alan nana luis nd gio. nd cant 4get my bebe Javi! i love you MAN! where have yu frikkin BEEN!? so yah thats bout it. i talked 2 them nd then they went 2 sleep a while ago. so im alone now =\ my other Luis is busy so we aint talking much but jea. im BORED GUYS. nd i gotta wake up tmorrow at 8 in the morning cus we gotta go do sum very late xmas shopping ;] OOPSIE. lol w/e mans i told my mom 2 do it like in november but no1 ever listens 2 me! my neck hurts like a BIATCH. wow. wuts every1 doing 4 noche buena nd xmas? noche buena we`re gonna have it here at my house. but HM i duhno whos coming. hopefully alot of ppl.. i hate being lonely on those days =(  nd my sister is not gonna be with me the whole day =( SUCKER. but yah i guess i`ll be on the fone. cus i dont think my cuzins will be here. jus the lil ones. gayyy. i still love them tho but they bother sumtimes. anyways. christmas i think we`re gonna go watch meet the fockers. well my sister wants me 2 take off the nail polish off her toes... {TOES KELLY! jk lmao i love you} SOO i`ll update another time. MUAH love yu guys!!

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