Meme, LOST, stalking (?), CMT Awards

Mar 19, 2005 03:26

Spot on!

LOST Timeline/Survivor Count/Other interesting info

Ahhhhhh, LOST needs to get back on the air. I'm seeing spoilers everywhere about THE DEATH...& I don't want to know! If I don't find out soon my curiosity may kick me in the butt & want to read all this stuff!

Yeah, ok. Anyway...tomorrow, no, wait, rewind. So there's this guy in one of my classes, he's nice & all, but he's getting too friendly with me. I'm not physically attracted to him in the slightest. On Thursday he waited for me after Music Business (we have 2 classes together & 1 class that we both take, but at different times) to ask me if I wanted to work on the Finance project together. I laughed because I had forgotten I was going to ask him if he wanted to work on it together [My motive: I HATE FINANCE & would rather have someone else help me understand it than to get a C again & not 'get' what I'm doing]. Plus in the past he asked me for my address so he can e-mail me stuff for RecTec (which he never did). Anyway, so he asks for my AIM...which I knew the real reason he was asking me (I mean, c'mon, guys may confuse girls, but we're not stupid). I gave it to him anyway. Did he use it for "school" purposes? I guess...if that means IMing me EVERY TIME I get online asking me if we're "still on for Saturday." 1) It's a project, not a date, 2) If something changed, I'd let you know. Good grief, he only gave me his cell phone, e-mail address, & cell number. Sheesh. & in casual conversation online I mentioned I'd be doing my observation (for RecTec) since I would be at Belmont tomorrow. "Oh, cool, well, maybe if we get done on time we can just go together," he said. Ok, let's list again....1) We will get done in 5 hours because it took me less than that when I did the last case by myself & had NO idea what I was doing, 2) If we didn't, I'd leave anyway & just ask for a copy of the project to complete myself if he wouldn't, 3) Isn't this called stalking? *shakes head* Bah.

In good news I sent my application to CMT today since I got an e-mail saying I could WORK the CMT Awards instead of doing the mosh pit thing. I'm so torn. I want to do both, but I will ultimately choose to volunteer (*cough*backstage*cough*) as long as they accept me.

Wow, it's WAY late...gotta get to bed. Later, all!
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