That facebook/twitter kerfuffle

Sep 09, 2010 11:45

So apparently while I was away there was another LJ kerfuffle. (On a side note, it's interesting to watch kerfuffles grow and subside in fast-motion as one catches up on ten days of LJ; it's like those time-lapse movies of flowers opening and dying). For those of you who haven't yet, or possibly won't ever, obsessively catch up, LJ added the ability to repost posts and comments to Facebook and/or Twitter.

You can choose have your entries and your comments to *public* posts automatically reposted (there's been a fair amount of confusion on that latter bit, it seems, probably because the settings page to configure your Facebook/Twitter connections doesn't make the distinction clear). You can also click checkboxes when making a comment to a locked post that will repost that comment, which seems to be the major concern, because the comment itself might contain excerpts of the post or allude to its content sufficiently clearly to breach the OP's privacy.

People have also expressed a lot of worry over their Facebook identities getting linked to their LJ identities. That won't happen automatically -- i.e., if Person A reposts a comment to Person B's post, that will show up on Person A's Facebook stream, but not provide a link to Person B's Facebook account -- because that would require the servers to by psychic. On the other hand, it would probably make it easier for people to connect the dots if they tried.

One partial solution is to disable the display of the repost buttons in your LJ using CSS. This seems to be the most comprehensive set of instructions I've seen for how to do that, including a handy link to the appropriate settings page (thanks to inahandbasket for the link). If you don't need or want the full instructions, here is the CSS line the author suggests:

.b-repost-item, #repost_twitter, #repost_facebook{display:none;}

One addition to make to the above-linked instructions: in the screenshot, the line of CSS wraps on to two lines. You should *not* put a hard-return in that line; enter it all on one line and let it wrap as it will.

tech, lj

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