Nov 02, 2006 11:49
I have been neglgent in my lj and feel big lj guilt. I have been taking some meds for the last 3 weeks taht leave me loopy and forgetful as some pp can atest to. I feel time slipping away and seem to be getting little accomplished. I am attempting to do nanowrimo and have written whole 200 words so far. I am tryin to do 50,000 words in the month of November. I am working on a zombie based story so we shall see if it really goes. I surprised myself in April when I completed napowrimo, I am thinking of spending all day Sunday writing and hiding from the world......we shall see. If anyone else is attempting nonowrimo give me a hollar. I also may go to a free wifi spot to work so as to welcome friendly distractions. Any suggestions of a comfy cafe with free wifi and cheap noshes?