"You had your turn." /shove/ okay I can see that Sam did the shove, but I can't tell if he or Sam said the line.
"I kinda hate that term, makes me feel like a pet."
Rachel was in a...jumper thing? For the Fanny Brice photoshoot. It had pants. Now she's in...shorts? For singing with Elliot.
"Three years together and he finally notices my boobs?" omg
"Every inch of his enormous, silky-smooth vocal range." pffffffft
Santana. Santana. Rein in the Auntie Snix impulses Santana.
You know fire extinguishers are for emergency purposes, right? Like there isn't an infinite supply of WHOOSH in there.
Fifty dozen fanarts of Sam in the Cheerios uniform please (suddenly Sam/Brittany feels) (also Samcedes feels, fanart of her in the pants version from S1 and him in skirt version please and thank you)
The only other place I ever saw the whole faces-on-chin thing was Red Dwarf, so this is weirding me out.
Hello bright yellow very long nightgown.
Kurt is so done with this.
My videofeeds keep getting really jerky and I am so frustrated and worried I'm missing things.
"And Kurt? You may be used to this kind of drama, but I'm not."
"And you know how much I love bumber-bowling."
"I think I saw a squirrel come out of the back of your hair."
"Menage a gross." haaaaaaaaaaaaa
One Three Hill tho.