Aug 05, 2006 21:25
So I know I said that I was trying to get him out of my system but now I'm at his He came to see me for 4 days and since school is over for 2 weeks, I decided 'why not come back with him' and I We had a great time together and I know we are going to have a great time together while I'm here with him in Raleigh. I have this whole list of things for us to do while I'm here like:
~Go to Pullen Park
~Visit Museum of Art
~Visit Museum of Science
~NC State Solartarium
~IMAX theatre
Has anyone ever been to an IMAX theatre, I'm excited about going to that and I want to see what it will be like. Well thats how me and Ray are doing now.
Remeber the Misteress.....yea him. How about I found out he is engaged all of a sudden to some girl that lives in Texas. She used to go to school here 5 years ago and then moved to Texas and he always talked about how crazy she is. I saw that he wrote on myspace he has a girlfriend. That fucking shocked me so I searched his page and found her. She is so pretty and....WHITE......thats not a shocker.
He was always talking about how black girls don't impress him and how he wanted to marry some woman with funny colored eyes, either Indian or Spanish. She is very pretty, got to give her that.
It just struck me odd how he hasn't had a girlfriend in years and was this big hoe. Now people you know me and his history.....years me and him fucked around and I was NEVER good enough for him to say "I Love You" and that he wanted to marry me and be with me. He and this girl are engaged, he is going to marry her. I can't believe this. It's so funny but weird to me at the same time. Just the way he was expressing his self to her was like I was reading something of someone else. He came by my house about a week ago and told me don't be surprised if he got married soon. I laughed at him because he is always joking but I guess this time he wasn't......
I don't know what to think about that.
On one hand I don't care......on the other, well, the other hand is out on deliberation on this one. Confused.....
I'll get back to you on it.