Feb 18, 2010 21:01
I was writing this up for a friend so I thought I'd share it here:
the recipe for 'concoction' which my hubby makes whenever we feel a cold coming on (or as a punch for parties):
1 46 oz can of pineapple juice
1 large container frozen OJ concentrate + 1 container of water
1 2 liter bottle of 7 up (or other lemon-lime soda)
Empty the OJ into the pitcher or punchbowl and mash up the concentrate. Add the water, using a whisk if the OJ is being stubborn.
Add the pineapple juice, then add the soda.
(Warning the soda will cause lots of foam if you glug it in, so make sure you've got enough room)
Stir until all the ingredients are combined, water down if it's too strong and/or serve over ice.
This is yummy, heavy on the Vitamin C and a good way to keep up your fluids.