Rediscovered Fandom

Jun 05, 2006 08:31

BBCAmerica is showing the Sharpe's Rifles series on Saturdays. I haven't seen them for some time and I'd forgotten how yummy they are.

Of course it doesn't hurt that I'm currently reading Naomi Novik's Temeraire series at the same time. It's literally the Napoleonic Wars with Dragons, very enjoyable military fluff.

By military fluff, I mean it's not overloaded with detail like a Tom Clancy novel. I couldn't tell you the caliber of the rifles used by the dragon crews or the exact diagram of how the harnessing of a dragon varies from messenger-dragons to squadron leaders, but enough so that the story keeps moving.

Having said all of that, I just had to pull out a Sharpe Icon.

fandom, temeraire, sharpe

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