well it seems as if todd got put in jail sunday night...yes in jail...he was drinking and driving...a big no no....so being as stupid as he is he got caught and arrested...and im going up there 2morrow to see how long he is going to be in jail..b/c his dad will not bail him which i dont blame him...and i sure as hell am not going to bail his ass out...so he is going to be in there until his court date which i am hoping will be a couple weeks away to teach him a lesson..... i sure do know how to pick winners i tell ya...im thinking that this may be the end of me and him for good this time b/c frankly im getting sick of him....i found out today b/c my ex bf josh who is also todd's best friend called me today and was like "guess what kathryn? todd is in jail" i just started laughing b/c todd is apparently not the brightest crayon in the box....lol....
anyways....it is official that i am moving to greenville, NC...with my bestest friend amanda...we will be getting an apartment up there and hopefully i will be going to college up there at ECU..
well that is enough..i took some pictures of my new piercings lol my tongue and nose on my crappy digital camera..which they came out blurry.....