Jun 02, 2006 16:15
So i seriously can't wait to go to college and get out of this hell hole kown as my home. It's getting ridiculous. My entire family has absolutely, positively lost their minds. I'm counting down the days until I can get away.
Awards ceremony last night. I was cheated out of the only one I wanted, but whatever. I got soem 3 C's award, the presedential awards, the National High School Orchestra award (my name goes on a plaque) and I got a PTA $1000 scholarship for academinc achievement. Whatever. It covers, like, half the laptop Northeastern recommends.
I'm hot. Really hot. I need an air conditioner in this room ASAP.
So my dad saw I got a check in the mail, handed it to me, and told me that "you better save your money because things are going to start changing around here." These words are coming from the same man who mere works ago told me I didn't have to work my first year of school because he'd take care of all of my personal expenses. Ridiculous. And I have every intention of working at least a little bit anyway.