VOTE TODAY. There's more to November 6th, 2012 than simply a vote for the lesser evil. Educate yourself and educate others: local elections always matter and depending on which state you live in, so do national elections.
There are too many important community initiatives on the line to sit this one out It takes only a few good hours of research to get a fair idea of where you stand on your local propositions. For detailed descriptions of your local ballot measures and to find where your designated polling place is, visit
TheBallot.Org. To find when your local polling station closes, visit
Ballotpedia's State Poll Opening & Closing Times.
Regarding this year's presidential election, if you live in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, New Hampshire, Ohio, Virginia, Wisconsin, Arizona, or North Carolina, please remember there are indeed differences between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. Please remember these differences weigh heavily upon women, minorities, and the poor, and please do consider the following:
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Last but not least, if this happens to you, please call 1-866-OUR-VOTE:
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Document and report IMMEDIATELY.