Mar 18, 2008 07:52
I was really looking forward to an event that I'd be competing in. I was raring to go into training. We were told that we had to be cleared by doctors in order to compete. ECG was normal. My BP was 140/90.
He took one again after 5 minutes. 150/100.
What the flying fuck?! I thought I was living healthily! I eat my vegetables, work out at least twice a week, I stay away from sweets... Why, I just had my BP taken a month ago, and it yielded a healthy 110/80. I consulted another doctor. She took my BP twice, and twice it said 130/100. Still not good. I told her about my regimen. "How old are you?" she asks. " Any history in your family of hypertension?" Damn.
I was foolish to think things will never catch up with me. It never occured to me that I was predestined to hit this wall, with both sides of the family rich in that particular code embedded in our genes. Double damn.
I was hoping to write this entry boasting of the aforementioned event. Instead I'm writing about this. Jeez.
So off to the next stage in my life. Fitness first, indeed. I know I'll be able to get this back to healthy levels next week. It's just a bummer to have this happen.