Sep 17, 2005 17:55
I just wanted to let you know something about your financial safty. Working in the bank I see a lot of fraud going on. I never thought it would happen to me, but it could have if I didn't know about the Nigerian Scams going on.
How it works? There is a group of people, a ring, involved. Normally they contact you through the mail or e-mail saying you won something. Then they will send you a check, drawn off of a US bank, and the check is always larger then the prize you won. We are talking in the thousands. What they then ask you to do is wire the remaining funds that are over the prize amount. Before you know, thousands of dollars are lost, the check finally comes back as a fraud and you are out big bucks.
I was on yahoo a few nights ago and some guy started to IM me, chatting. We did for a while that night. Then the next day, he e-mailed me talking about what a great time he had chatting with me, that he wanted to get to know me better. Then he got into about his situation. He is half Welsh half Nigerian, living in Chicago, but over in Nigeria taking care of his ill mother. He went on in the e-mail about how he might not make it back to the states, his boss owes him a pay check but has not paid him yet, that he could not cash a US check in Nigeria.
Last night, he IMs me again, we chatted for a bit. The he started to ask me what my name was, could he come see me when he got back from the states, trying to sweet talk me, but I knew what was up, so I played him like a fiddle.
He took that bait, that is when he asked me to accept the check from his employer, saying that he would have his employer make the check out into my name. I told him to give me his address so I could send him "something" making him think I was helping him out. With the little information I was able to get, although none of it is probably real, I will pass along to the head of Security where I work. I know the one manager in security has ties to the FBI.
I told him that my mamma raised no fool. I was not going to be played and left it at that.
I am sure nothing will come from my efforts, but you never know, maybe they are getting sloppy and greedy, some how someone has to get caught for this scam. I just wanted to make everyone aware. Two of the screennames that I had contact with on Yahoo was relaxxxxxx and lifeitaboutus, the name that was used was Richard Lawrence. Don't be fooled, even if someone seems so nice.