May 21, 2005 17:12
Lots to update--just never had any time. Here it is:
1. I finished school and just got my grade. I got a B overall for the term. That is not too bad considering all the crud I had to do to earn it. I am extremely happy that school is over because now I can concentrate on other things.
2. Last week I went to the doctor for an ultrasound. We found out the sex of the baby! It looks as though I will be having another girl--her name will be Harlee Quinn. I am excited because now I get to go all girly again! There are some gorgeous little outfits for girls out there. Anyway.
3. My first daughter--Ashlie-Mychal--won a school wide contest to design a t-shirt commenorating our school's 100th year anniversary. It is such a cute design--and I promise I will post a picture here as soon as I can. I just need to wash the shirts--you know, make them all prettiful so you can all see my daughter's artistic talent--LOL! SO anyway, since she won, everyone in the entire school, plus the distric superintendent and some other dignitaries all have t-shirts designed by her!!
4. I saw "Star Wars, Episode 3" today! It was so truly explained a lot about what I did not know.
5. In a response to Michelle's post a while ago about CFTC, I feel the same. I am a little jealous of the people that are going because that means you get one more chance to see the guys and all that, but I am also feeling like this year is totally not worth it. I had a whole promotional powerpoint presentation thingy put together to send to the planners of CFTC to have them hold this year's in California, but my computer messed up and I never got a chance to send it. IF, there is one next year, I suppose I can send it out. It was cool--I had researched hotels that were worthy of all the celebrities, I found locations for the games, plus the all the skills challenge things, I found clubs, transportaion--everything!!! But alas, I failed in getting it over here in my neck of the woods.
I guess I really did not have as much to update as I thought I did. I have some online errands to do and then need to work on my report cards. Only 4 more weeks of school left for my kiddos--time flies!