Oct 20, 2008 18:49
Do you ever have one of those moments where, in the middle of the day, you think "wow, I am so going to update my LJ when I get home and blog about x, y, and z!" Then come home and COMPLETELY forget what you were going to write about? *Raises hand* Twas me today or rather this weekend. I was so inspired to blog about something and now that I'm at the computer, my mind is blank. (I hate how I'm writing about writer's block. Such a pet peeve of creative writers) It's ironic too that I have a paper due on Wednesday, that I have not started, and was going to devote tonight to get a "good" start on it. The idea of even starting a paper 2 days before it's due is good for me :) Considering I bombed the first exam (only 100 pts out of 1000 but still) and I NEED this class to graduate. I've been NEEDING this class for 2 semesters and have failed it twice. Yeah, I suck at life like that. First time I blame Munn. The 2nd time I blame myself for not studying hard AND Dr. Rich for being so harsh. Yes, the blame is on me but damnit, I still don't think I deserved to FAIL it. Any-way.
I can't believe that I'm going to graduate soon! I got the little flyer in the mail about what to wear and yadda yadda. They say only 6 people can attend per graudate but I want 8! (Andy, mom, dad, Jeni & Bret, Scott & Shelly, and my Aunt Mari). Now I never talk about my Aunt Mari and associate little with my dad's side of the family; but I know she would WANT to be there. I don't remember if she was there for my sister's graudations (yup, smarty pants has a Master's degree :P ) but for some reason I want my aunt there. I can't explain it. I think because I know she IS proud of me and I like to surround myself with positive people. Wow. Where are these tears coming from? Will I get emotional on that day? I think I will but not because I'm leaving college but because of the path I took to get to this point. I worked sooo sooo hard OUTSIDE of the classroom to get to this point. I pulled very few all nighters and NEVER spent more then 2 straight hours studying for an exam (maybe more time cumulative but never an all night cram session). But the other factors. I can remember appreciating every single dollar tip I recieved on a Monday night because I knew that was a dollar more towards books and tuition. I thought that when the money went into my apron too. Not every time went towards school of course but I didn't get financial aid and the only break I got on textbooks was working for the bookstore for 2 semesters (which was a blast and a half0