Soo..I need for people to take this survey because I'm taking a stats class. Boring. The survey is boring. But if you could take this survey, I'd love you alot. Make up the answers if you'd like because I won't know and all that's important is having DATA, no matter how legit. Have your friends take it as well!!! I only ask that you copy the survey into a comment so I know the answers. Love yous!
(x-posted because I need to get answers)
(Of course, it'll be hard to circle an answer and what not, so even putting your answer in caps underneath will be fine. I only ask that you copy the survey into your comment so it'll be easier for moi. Thanks)
Getting a tattoo nowadays is not just something for Marines. The taboo surrounding this ancient form of expression is beginning to lessen, and with such things as tattoo parties, the stigma of getting and having a tattoo is also beginning to dwindle. Still there are some people out there who have not jumped on the bandwagon and still do not understand the fascination with getting ink rapidly injected into ones skin with needles and having no eraser. This survey asks you to consider your position on the art of tattooing and also begins to explore the commonality of such art. All your answers are kept confidential and your responses are anonymous.
1-- Do you know someone who has a tattoo? Yes No
2-Do you have a tattoo? Yes No
3-How many tattoos do you have?
a) 0
b) 1-3
c) 3 or more
4-What area of the body do you think is the most ideal place for a tattoo?
a) lower back
b) bicep
c) shoulder blade
d) ankle
5-What do you think is the reason most people get a tattoo? (Please select only one answer that best applies to you)
a) Because they’re of legal age to do so
b) Because they’re a part of a fraternity or sorority
c) To honor someone
d) It was a dare
6-What do you think is the major reason for people not getting a tattoo? (Please only select one answer)
a) It cost too much
b) Religious reasons
c) It’s too painful
d) They’re afraid of the permanency
7-How much would you pay (maximum amount) for a tattoo?
a) $0-50
b) $51-75
c) $76-100
d) $100+
8-What is your opinion of someone how has a visible tattoo?
a) I think very negatively about them
b) I think negatively about them
c) I think positively of them
d) I think very positively of them
9- Do you watch any of the “reality shows” on television that are related to tattooing (such as Miami Ink,LA Ink, or Inked)?
a) Never (I’ve never watched an episode)
b) Sometimes (I’ve watched them when I could)
c) Frequently (I try not to miss an episode)
10-Would you ever get someone’s name tattooed on you?
a) Under no circumstances would I ever
b) I could be persuaded to but it is unlikely
c) I would put just as much thought into it as any other tattoo
d) I already have someone’s name tattooed on me
The next set of questions deals with your demographics. These questions will help me get a better understanding of you and helps me compare the previous questions.
11- Gender? a) Male b) Female
12- What is your age?
a) Under 18
b) 18-21
c) 21-25
d) 25+
13- What part of the country best describes where you live? (Please chose the best answer and if you live outside the United States, please chose other)
a) East Coast
b) West Coast
c) Midwest
d) South
e) Other